Editors' Note #3

Welcome to the third issue of the Immaterial Labour Union Zine!

This time around we’ll be analysing the technology of power put in place which organizes us, the produsers, for more advantageous, profitable governance - the Social Graph. Initially introduced during the Facebook F8 conference in 2007 within the context of the Facebook Platform, the Social Graph has now expanded to become an attempt at the graphical representation of relationships between everybody and everything on the Internet. In 2010, just three years after its introduction, the Social Graph became the largest social network dataset in the world. The Social Graph, despite and thanks to its blatant bi-dimensionality, is successfully transforming the digital space into the realm of the quantified subject, the privileged structure for power infiltration within the human soul.

We’ll be thinking about alternative platforms, counter-mapping for the advantage of the produsers, and reflecting graphically on how these power structures archive and organise our interpersonal relationships.

Contributions by:
Bob Haugen, Lídia Pereira, Marisol Sandoval, Örsan Şenalp, Simone Cassiani, Δεριζαματζορ Προμπλεμ ιναυστραλια, Tony Cage

All contributions to the zine, unless otherwise specified, are licensed under the GNU General Public License1.

Marisol Sandoval's contribution is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND License2.

1: https://GNU.org/copyleft/gpl.html
2: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/