Editors' Note #2

We bid you all welcome to the second number of the Immaterial Labour Union Zine! The issue at hand revolves around the theme “Advertisement on Social Media”. The process of marketing audiences for economic surplus was exposed and analysed in Dallas Smythe’s 1977 essay “Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism”. According to Smythe, all non-sleeping time is work that we commit to the communications industry, by means of our labour power being sold to advertisement agencies. What with our data being sold to advertisers, corporate entities having their own pages and accounts on mainstream social media, it is clear that we are ever more a part of Smythe’s commodified audience. We hope you will enjoy the valuable contributions we have received, which will further reflect on our experiences of ad-mediated reality and the effects of this phenomena for socio-political movements, as well as for our own subjectivity.

Contributions by:
Christian Fuchs, Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba, Lídia Pereira, Lucia Dossin, Mathijs van Oosterhoudt, Simone Cassiani, Δεριζαματζορ Προμπλεμ ιναυστραλια

All contributions to the zine, unless otherwise specified, are licensed under the GNU General Public License1.

Christian Fuchs's contribution is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND License2.
Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba's contribution is licensed under the CC BY-SA License3.

1: https://GNU.org/copyleft/gpl.html
2: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
3: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/