More smart extensions for the smart people in the smart cities
Recently I heard this story, that it took 11 hours to boil water with a smart Wi-Fi kettle. As a dilettante - in terms of engineering - I'm surprised that every technology just has to be reinvented in a "smart" way. The old story of finding a problem for the solution. Anyway, finally the locomotive code was polished, uploaded as a zip-file and now I pressed the "publish"-button in the developer dashboard of the chrome webstore. 20 minutes later the Google Chrome Web Store team responded with unclear "Removal notification for Locomotive":
Your item did not comply with the following section of our policy:
"Do not post repetitive content.
Do not use irrelevant, misleading, or excessive keywords in app descriptions, titles, or metadata.
Do not attempt to change the placement of any Product in the store or manipulate any Product ratings or reviews by unauthorized means, such as fraudulent installs, paid or fake reviews or ratings, or offering incentives to rate Products.
Do not post an app where the primary functionality is to link to a website not owned by the developer.
Do not post an app where the primary functionality is to install or launch another app, theme, or extension. For example, if your app’s primary function is to launch a desktop app that the user has already installed, that is not allowed. Another example is a packaged app that just launches a website.
Your app must comply with Google's Webmaster Quality Guidelines."
I had to read the mail twice. And I thought, someone must have been telling lies about Josef K's extension, he knew he had done nothing wrong but, on this day, nothing was approved for publish. To be sure, I checked the code, if it is even working, but everything seems to be fine. OK, lets submit it again, but got again a "Removal notification". Now I updated a used js-library to a recent version, submitted it again and again a the "Removal notification". I remembered the situation, when my supervisor once said to me "Your data structure is so kafkaesque!". What should I do in this kind of situation. Ok, lets remove this submission, delete it from the developer dashboard, and submit/publish the same source again as a new item. Finally, the extension was approved and accepted!
Washing machine